Monday, September 29, 2008

Paul Noble (Casey's Pick)

Paul Noble is a British Illustrator who does amazing things with this work. Like Julian Beever (Chris's Pick), Paul Noble is able to create an entire world through the portal of his paper. The intricate detail involved in his worlds allow the viewer to almost believe they are looking into a window to another world where a whold different civilizaion, often with an archeological style mixed between Futuristic and Mayan or Aztec, is taking its course oblivious to our world.

Here,, you can read a commentary on one of Paul Noble's installations in which he actually created an entire city through a series of 27 pencil illustrations. This city installation includes a unique culture reflected through its architectural style as well as the city's mythology, history and geography. Some images of the city can be found here, but a google search for Paul Noble Nobson Newtown (Nobson Newtown is the name of his imaginary city) can bring up a few more.

What intrigues me further than the impeccable illustrative quality of his works are the themes which he was able to incorporate into both each piece individually and the work as a whole. Themes such as deforestation and other dark sides of an advanced civilization are mixed in along with the positives of an attempt at utopia. His works, like Beever although in a different sort of way, cross the border between viewer and 2d piece of art and invite the viewer into the piece. Noble's ability to do this through intense attention to detail is something I admire and attempt to achieve myself, so through studying his work I hope to be able to improve my own ability to do so.

1 comment:

Scott said...

I always admire when an artist is attempting to create a world around their work. It's rare that you see somebody try to do it through illustration, rather people tend to do it through installations or by creating a fictional universe within a film or series of film. Last year there was an installation in Traina on the second floor which was sort of a combination of illustration and sculpture to make a cityscape that the viewer could literally enter. It was pretty cool, and very immersive.