Federico Erra is a young Italian photographer. He primarily takes photos of somewhat unusual yet beautiful models, as well as doing self-portraits. Many of his photos feature his favorite model Sarah whose face is covered in freckles. He also has a series called Sex and Psychology. Like Nicole's pick of John Coplans, the series features some nude self-portraits, although they are not about aging, but instead exploring his sexuality. Erra says he is inspired by Diane Arbus.
I love Erra's photos because they are dreamy and romantic, yet edgy. He often invokes a retro feel and has an excellent sense of color and light. There is a real sensitivity to his work.

Federico Erra's Flickr page
His JPGMagazine page
A slideshow of some of his work
These photographs are really beautiful. I love the way they apprpoach the viewer in a head-on almost intrusive way. They kind of remind me of a Dolce & Gabbana ad with the hyper focus on light in conjunction with the over-sexualized imagery. Do you know if these photgraphs are taken digitally or not?
I love these as well. Erra's use of color is spectacular, especially whereas he's using color/light in a way that is usually associated with more dated images...while they have a vintage feel, his subject matter is timeless. I also like that there's an implicit innocence to these even though he's often portraying sexualized images. He blends seemingly disparate elements really well.
Slater, yes they are digital photos.
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