Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Davin Youngs (Sara's pick)

Davin Youngs is a photographer who lives and shoots in Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from Oberlin Conservatory of Music and is now pursuing photography as well as a musical career. Youngs shoots his surroundings, family and friends; he's
‘drawn to moments that are a bit awkward and quiet’. His images are normal scenes from his daily life which he captures with thoughtful tenderness to create quiet magical moments that seem almost surreal, like stills from a movie.

Youngs' work reminds me of Andrea Modica (Marissa's pick). Both artists stage portraits on occasion, but always with the intention of exploring what exists through photography, not creating something exclusively for the photograph. While Modica is following the story of a girl growing up in poverty, Youngs follows his own friends and family. But both photographers are interested in the personal lives of people. Youngs explores his relationship with his parents by photographing them; Modica builds a relationship with a family through photography.

I'm interested in Davin Youngs' work because I'm also drawn to awkward quiet moments. I want to capture the personalities of people through their environment as well as their likeness. Youngs shoots environmental still lifes as well as portraits but doesn't attmept to relate the two or create connections in that way. Like Modica and Youngs I'm not opposed to directing a poratrait or altering a space slightly to make the photo, but I don't want to stage a whole shoot. I'm not interested in creating a world, like these artists I'm intruiged by the one I see everyday.

Youngs made a very touching series called "A Project With My Father, 2007" exploring his relationship with his father which includes portraits and interview style dialogue between them. You can find it on his website under Pictures.

Website: http://www.thesearemypictures.com/index.html
Blog: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dyoungs/

1 comment:

Janna said...

I really like the quiet, subtle mood of these, too. In his portfolio "placement of self," I thought it was really interesting how he made the cable release a part of the photo, not trying to hide it. I have a wireless remote for my digital camera and I'm always trying to hide it in my hand for a self-portrait, so it was interesting to see the opposite of that. I think it works well for that series.